Front Attack Line Front Attack Line

Front Attack Line: A Symphony of War and Controversy

Amidst the cacophony of the music industry, Front Attack Line emerged as a beacon of uncompromising aggression and raw emotion. Their anthem, "Conflicts of War," became a sonic testament to the horrors and complexities of armed conflict.


* Tom Maxwell: Vocals, lyrics
* Scott Campbell: Lead guitar, backing vocals
* Chris Hammond: Rhythm guitar, backing vocals
* Mark Wilson: Bass guitar
* Keith Mitchell: Drums


* Defiance (1986)
* Terror's Reign (1988)
* Conflicts of War (1990)
* Scars of Battle (1992)
* Aftermath (1994)

Challenges and Controversies:

Front Attack Line's music ignited fierce debate and controversy. Their unflinching lyrics, often depicting the brutality of war, clashed with the prevailing mainstream sentiment. Critics accused the band of glorifying violence, while others hailed them as a voice for the voiceless.

The song "Conflicts of War" became a particular target of criticism. Its graphic portrayal of combat horrors was deemed too explicit by some, who argued that it desensitized listeners to the true horrors of war.


Despite the controversy, Front Attack Line's music has endured as a powerful testament to the human experience in times of conflict. The band's uncompromising stance on war, coupled with their raw and emotive performances, has resonated with generations of listeners.

Their influence can be heard in the works of contemporary metal bands such as Lamb of God, Slipknot, and Trivium. Front Attack Line remains a symbol of the enduring power of music to confront the darkest aspects of humanity.